
目前顯示的是 5月, 2022的文章

#4 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address

  Today I want to share some information about Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University in 2005. 💭 It ’ s a motivational commencement speech.  Steve Jobs  tells different stories of love , death , and difficulty he faced in his life. At the beginning , the quote added an element of humor to his speech , which also made the audience laugh. His talk resonate powerfully with me. One of the most important life lessons I can take from Steve Jobs is to love what I do.    “ Find what you love and love what you do. “     This is one of my favorite quotes. It inspires me a lot. I even put it on the back of my phone case to remind myself.  I ’ m majoring in finance because I want to enter the finance industry. And I wish I could find the jobs that I can truly love. In the third story , he said   “ Your time is limited , don ’ t waste it living someone else ’ s life.  “   I couldn't agree more. I have to get out of my comfort zone. So I will keep looking , keep exploring and

#3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

       1. Do you procrastinate sometimes? Yes , I do it all the time. It has already perplexed me for a long time. 2. What are some of the things you procrastinate on? I procrastinate on my homework , study , report , even exercise. 3. What are some reasons for procrastination?  Sometimes , I veg out when I should be working or studying. Even though I know I've got to complete my assignment before the deadline , I still waste time until it ’ s the last day to work on it. I don ’ t want to face the homework or final paper because I ’ m afraid of failing. 4. What are some strategies you can use to combat your procrastination? 《 Make a to-do list 》 Making a to-do list. I would stop wasting time on social media apps and concentrate on my study. 《 Focus on the first few steps 》 Don't put too much thought on finishing a task. Just set a small goal and work on it for 30 minutes. It can make me feel less pressure while doing it. 《 Choose enjoyable forms of exercise 》 Thinking abo