#4 Steve Jobs’ 2005 Standford Commencement Address


Today I want to share some information about Steve Jobs' speech at Stanford University in 2005. 💭

Its a motivational commencement speech. Steve Jobs tells different stories of love, death, and difficulty he faced in his life. At the beginning, the quote added an element of humor to his speech, which also made the audience laugh.

His talk resonate powerfully with me. One of the most important life lessons I can take from Steve Jobs is to love what I do.


Find what you love and love what you do.


This is one of my favorite quotes. It inspires me a lot. I even put it on the back of my phone case to remind myself. Im majoring in finance because I want to enter the finance industry. And I wish I could find the jobs that I can truly love.

In the third story, he said Your time is limited, dont waste it living someone elses life.  I couldn't agree more. I have to get out of my comfort zone. So I will keep looking, keep exploring and keep trying new things. He encourages me to chase my dreams and not be discouraged by failures I might experience in life. 


The worst circumstances often lead to biggest opportunities in life. “ 


I would try to view the situation as a learning experience, stay positive and never give up when I face a difficult problem.

Steve Jobs is a successful entrepreneur. His communication skills were amazing. He is still one of the best public speakers. Its a memorable speech. 🌟

🌐(photo by http://www.picturequotes.com/youve-got-to-find-what-you-love-quote-305176)



#3 Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

#1 Greetings

#2 The importance of body language